Market Research

Thorough market research is the first step of successful business development. Anticipating market developments and to quickly ajdust to changes is a strategic advantage of every organization.

Our Market Research covers any kind of information need. No matter if customer segments and characteristics, legal structures, competitive environment or politicial development - we will identify the relevant information for you and help you to contextualize it to your environment.

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Market Research - Identify potential customers, analyze market segments, understand legal structures

Partner Management - Identify potential Partners, Establish Relationships, Create network

Market Entry - Manage Virtual Office, Incorporation, Staffing, Visa application

Supplier Management - Identify suppliers, Establish contracts, Manage relationship, Sourcing Strategy

Lead Management - Marketing Planning, Product presentation, Event Management, Market Follow-up

Business Modelling - Business Planning, Financial Simulations, Source Captial, Provide Infrastructure

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